University Standing Committees

President's Recognition Committee

Purpose & Function

The President’s Recognition Committee serves to screen nominations for recognition opportunities received by the University, in accordance with the Naming Opportunities, Gifts, and Pledges Policy.

The Committee will, upon completion of screening of nomination to ensure compliance with University policies, recommend to the Board of Trustees individuals or entities for recognition opportunities of Campus Facilities and/or Programs.


Position Titles of Members on this USC

President of the University (Chair)
Vice President for Finance and Administration
Vice President for University Advancement
Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Services
Academic Dean (when academic areas are affected)

Method of Selection of Members

All members are ex officio.

Selection of Chair and Vice or Co-Chair

The President of the University is Chair of this committee.


All members are ex officio.


Meetings are held at the call of the President, in conjunction with the Naming Opportunities, Gifts, and Pledges Policy.

Documentation Requirements for this University Standing Committee

As provided in the University Standing Committee Policy, the Chair(s) of this University Standing Committee, in collaboration with the Office of the Secretary of the University and General Counsel, must provide the following documentation at the end of each Academic Year: 

Annual Report:            ☐Yes   ☒ No

Minutes of Meetings:   ☐Yes   ☒ No

Reports To

President of the University.

    02/13/13Established by the President of the University as recommended by the Policy Committee of the University.
    08/01/14 - Title changed from Vice President for Student Life to Vice President for Enrollment Services and Student Success
    07/01/18 - Title changed from Vice President for Academic Affairs to Provost.
    12/08/21 – Clarification of functions of this USC and addition of the Documentation Requirements Section approved by the President of the University.