RSP Policy Detail

    Employee Training

    Marywood University's regard for the value and potential of each employee is embodied in its Core Values. It is the intention of the University, therefore, to ensure continuous staff development by providing training for its employees in compliance with federal and state regulations, and institutional goals and objectives. This policy ensures employee training and places responsibility for it.

    The Human Resources Office ensures that skills and experience requirements are adequately expressed in posted job openings.

    Supervisory personnel are responsible for ensuring that employees in their departments are trained adequately and in a timely manner to safely and efficiently perform their duties. Supervisors are expected to encourage employees to take advantage of learning opportunities provided by Human Resources or other departments in the University. They may require an employee to attend a training session provided by the University, if in the supervisor's judgment it will enhance efficiency and productivity in the department.

    Following are some representatives examples of employee training at Marywood University:

    Safety and Security

    Employees subject to OSHA Hazard Regulations must be trained within 30 days of hire.

    Employees subject to the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Regulations must be trained before they perform the specified duties and annually thereafter.

    Enterprise and Related Auxiliary Information Systems

    Employees who will be users on the Enterprise and Related Auxiliary Information Systems must be trained within 30 days of hire.

    User Support Services, a division of IT, provides centralized multi-campus support with a universal help desk, as well as technical support and training.


    Research and Sponsored Programs oversees the training of individuals in compliance and responsible conduct in research involving human subjects, vertebrate animals and potentially hazardous biological materials.