Student Handbook: Policies and Procedures

Student Life Policies

University Policies

Conduct Records of Students

Conduct records are confidential educational records and, as such, are not released to anyone outside the University without the written consent of the student involved. Also, information regarding conduct is not included on University academic transcripts. When necessary to the discharge of a Marywood University administrator’s duties, the Senior Director of Conduct and Housing has discretion to disclose information from a student’s conduct records. Pursuant to the Higher Education Reauthorization Amendments of 1998, the University reserves the right to disclose results of a conduct hearing when a student is found to be in violation of University regulations related to violence or a non-forcible sex offense, and/or notify parents or guardians of students under 21 years of age who are determined to have violated University regulations regarding the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance.

The Senior Director of Conduct and Housing is responsible for the confidentiality of conduct records. These records are maintained for seven years after a student graduates, voluntarily withdraws, or is suspended from the University. The conduct record of a dismissed student is maintained permanently in the office of the Senior Director of Conduct and Housing.

(Approved by the President of the University 12/10/10)
Changes to personnel title 8/15/16