In the dome mural illustrating the triumph of Faith, Hope, and Charity, Faith, the central figure dressed in the white robe of purity is represented in heaven over the globe to express her divine origin. She is surrounded by cherubs with religious emblems. Charity lovingly cares for little children as all the classical artists have represented her. Hope sits at the left garbed in her symbolic color--green, with cherubs holding the anchor, emblem of her eternal strength. In the foreground is an angel with a flame, the symbol of the eternity of the soul.
This panel is highly symbolic. In a lucid atmosphere of unexpected charm and spontaneity, poetic poses, informed with realism, in an admirably decorate renaissance mode, give a lovely quality to the triumph of the theological virtues. While the traditional composition of the figures is retained, the artist has recast them with symmetry into a new mental mood, giving the effect of the last word in the conventional combined with the first in the modern style. The figure in the medallion in the frieze below the mural is that of Pope Pius X.