Course Load
Undergraduate Students
A full-time student carries from 12-18 semester hours of credit in both fall and spring semesters. Credits in excess of 18 require the approval of the appropriate Dean, who will base the decision on such factors as grades, distribution of courses, extracurricular activities, health, and outside employment of the student. A maximum of six credits can be taken in one summer session. Undergraduate students who have senior status (completed 90 credits or more) may be permitted to take up to 12 graduate credits with the permission of the department chair and deans. Students requesting persmission must have a minimum of 3.00 grade point average.
Graduate Students
A full-time student carries from 6 - 16 semester hours of credit in both fall and spring semesters. Credits in excess of 16 require the approval of the appropriate Dean.
Credit Hour Definition
Marywood University defines its credit hour in compliance with both United States and Pennsylvania Department of Education requirements. Marywood designs its academic calendar to meet or exceed the minimum standards for class meetings, assuring that there are 14 hours of classroom instruction, exclusive of holidays or final examinations. The credit hour consists of one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction per week with two hours of out of classroom work over the course of the fifteen week semester. Thereby, each semester consists of 14 hours of classroom instruction with a 15th week devoted to a final examination or culminating experience and each credit hour represents fifteen contact hours spent in class. In the case of a three credit course, the student will have 45 contact hours spent in class for a total of 135 hours of work inside and outside the classroom. For all alternate instructional delivery methods, laboratories, or independent studies the credit hour represents an equivalent to the minimum requirement for classroom instruction. Online courses are conducted 100% online (with the exception of a possible optional in-person orientation). Courses are considered to be hybrid if 20% (equivalent to three weeks of classes) or more of the course is online. Summer sessions meet the required instructional hours per credit in the compressed timeframe of a shorter six week session.
Undergraduate Academic Standards
A student must attain a cumulative quality point average (QPA) of 2.00 to satisfy degree requirements. A minimum of 2.33 is required in one's major. Some major programs require a higher QPA. Individual program descriptions provide specific information.
Good Standing - A student is in good standing when his/her cumulative quality point average is at least 2.00.
Warning - Whenever the quality point average for a semester is less than 2.00, but the cumulative quality point average is 2.00 or better, the student will be warned.
Probation - A student will be placed on probation if a QPA of 1.00 is not achieved in any given semester or whenever his/her quality point average falls below 2.00. Probation is temporary; it is, therefore, not included in the student's academic record. A first semetser student's quality point average is the same as his or her cumulative quality point average. The consequences of being on probation include:
1. academic dismissal afer one semester on probation if the student's QPA does not improve significantly;
2. possible required reduction in course load;
3. ineligibility to participate in varsity athletics;
4. ineligibility to hold office in Student Government;
5. loss of financial aid.
Repeated Probation - If a student's cumulative quality point average increases and, though still below 2.00, indicates possibility to attain the standards required for graduation, the student may be continued on probation for another semester.
Dismissal - Upon recommendation of the Committee on Grades, Honors, and Academic Standing, the appropriate dean will dismiss:
1. a student who fails to improve his/her cumulative quality point average at the end of a semester or more on probation.
2. a student whose cumulative quality point average increases, though still remaining below 2.00, if the student's academic record indicates little potential for attaining the academic standards required for graduation. (Academic dismissal is recorded on the student's academic record.)
3. a student who has had previous but unconsecutive semesters on probation.
4. a student who fails to achieve a 1.00 in any two semesters.
Students may also be dismissed for other academic reasons, such as academic dishonesty.
Student Status
Students who have applied to and have been formally admitted by the Office of Admissions of the University to pursue a degree program are classified as follows:
First year students: 0-29 credits completed
Sophomores: 30-59 credits completed
Juniors: 60-89 credits completed
Seniors: 90 or more credits completed
The status of matriculating students is indicated by the name associated with the umber of credits eared.
Unclassified Students
Unclassified students may be taking courses for personal enrichment, transfer credit, and other non-degree purposes or in special educational programs offered through the University.
Academic Records
A student who believes that an error has been made in assignment of a grade must initiate immediate contact with the instructor of the course; any changes made by the faculty member must be made within 90 days of the end of the semester for which the grade was assigned, or in the case of the resolution of an "I" or "X" grade, within 90 days of the filing of that grade.
The student is responsible for reporting in writing to the Office of Academic Records any other error on the academic record within 30 days after a grade or other academic record report is issued to the student. Marywood University will not be liable for unreported errors on student records.
Academic Appeal
Students with sufficient cause to file an academic appeal should initiate the process according to the procedures established for such action. Academic Appeals procedures are available from all department offices and in the Offices of the Deans. Grade appeals must be made within 60 days of the end of the semester in which the grade was assigned.