Student Handbook Policies Pull

Student Life Policies

University Policies

Smoke Free

Marywood University is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors.  As a leader in the community, the University takes seriously its responsibility to demonstrate healthy lifestyles.  The University has been designated as a smoke-free institution.  Therefore, smoking, any use of tobacco products, and other smoking-related products of any kind are prohibited on all Marywood University property, including but not limited to, all buildings, walkways, parking lots, athletic fields, in any University vehicle, and in any personal vehicle parked or operated on University property.

All members of the community share responsibility for adherence to this policy.  The success of this policy depends on the mutual respect and consideration of the entire University community. Anyone who does not comply may be asked to leave the campus.


Tobacco is defined as all tobacco-derived or containing products.

Smoking means the carrying by a person of any lighted smoking device.

Other uses of tobacco products include the use of snuff, chew, spit, spitless, and smokeless tobacco.


The University offers a variety of services to assist those who wish to stop smoking.

Campus Safety will report student violations to the Senior Director of Student Conduct and Residence Life and employee violations to the Director of  Human Resources for appropriate action.