Sister Anne Munley, I.H.M., announces Ann Boland-Chase's appointment as Marywood University's first Vice President for Enrollment Management, effective March 1, February 27.
Marywood hosts a Hip-Hop Conference to raise awareness about Hip Hop as a world-wide phenomenon, to demonstrate how Hip Hop has motivated positive social change, and to offer participants ways to critically engage popular culture with reference to realizing human dignity and enacting justice, March 7.
Marywood holds Open House for High School Juniors, March 29. This event includes conversations with representatives of academic departments, admissions counselors, financial aid counselors, and members of campus clubs and organizations. Events also include a campus tour, continental breakfast, and lunch.
Agnes Denes, internationally renowned artist and founder of the environmental art movement, delivers an illustrated public lecture in the Learning Resources Center as part of the Fresh Perspectives - New Solutions: Visiting Environmental Artist Series, April 2.
Sister Anne Munley, I.H.M., represents Marywood University at Pope Benedict XVI's address to presidents of Catholic colleges and universities at Catholic University, April 17. Approximately 200 presidents and 195 Catholic superintendents from dioceses across the country participate in this session. This historic gathering is a profound recognition of the vast contribution that Catholic education makes to the Church, the United States and the world.
The Business Department and Net Impact NEPA present the 7th Forum on Business Ethics: Ethics, Leadership, and Corporate Social Responsibility, featuring dinner and Q&A with Irving Rothman, April 17.
A Remembrance of the Life of Barbara Hoffman, Professor of English, is held on the Library Green, where a tree planting takes place, April 29.
The Arboretum Committee presents the Wednesday Evening Master Gardener Series in the Schwartz Center for Spiritual Life Conference Center, April-May.
Dr. Peter Cimbolic, Vice President for Academic Affairs, becomes Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, May 2.
The multipurpose room in Nazareth Hall is renamed The Latour Conference Room, May 2. Mrs. Lois Ann German Latour, '51, was a generous supporter of Marywood over the years and, before her death, named Marywood University as the recipient of a large estate bequest that has helped the University to accomplish several physical plant projects.
At the Commencement Ceremony, honorary doctorates are conferred on Sister Mary Reap, to whom the University owes such a debt of gratitude for her nineteen years of service as President of the University, and Mr. Joseph K. Grieboski, who delivers the Commencement address, May 11. Mr. Grieboski is founder and President of the Washington, D.C.-based Institute on Religion and Public Policy, which promotes ongoing discourse, demands responsible leadership, and remains committed to the achievement of peace.
Dr. Alan Levine is appointed as Interim Dean of the College of Health and Human Services, effective May 24.
Mr. David Skica becomes the University s first Chief Information Officer, June 2. His responsibilities include management of the University s information, networking, communications and academic computing systems, and web development and management. He brings over 25 years of experience in information technology and leadership.
With funding from a grant from the Northeast Pennsylvania Urban & Community Forestry Program, the Arboretum Committee sponsors tree plantings, June 7 and June 14. Eight Red Maple trees are planted at the grass strips between the Shields Center for Visual Arts parking lot and the campus road, and eleven trees, including Red Maples and Zelkovas, are planted at the grass strip between the two Nazareth parking lots and across the front section of the larger lot.
The Science Department hosts the Pennsylvania Laboratory Safety Institute Short Course Program, June 24-27.
Maria Alena Scavone, a 2008 graduate in the Foreign Language Department, is awarded an English Teaching Assistantship by the French Ministry of Education, June. This scholarship allows Maria Alena to live and teach near Bordeaux in the 2008-2009 academic year.
Sister Anne Munley, I.H.M., completes international service in Rome, Italy, and Bangalore, India, June.
Marywood University is accepted as a member of the U.S. Green Building Council, June.
Fr. Brian Van Fossen becomes Chaplain and campus minister for Marywood University, July.
A Novena to St. Ann is held in the Marian Chapel, July 17-26.
All technology resources for Marywood University are centralized under the Office of Information Technology,July 21. The focus of the new division is to improve service levels by the consolidation of resources and department functions. There are four service level departments: User Support Services, responsible for Training, the Centralized Help Desk, and Technology Field Support, led by Kay McClintock; the Academic Computing department, responsible for coordinating technology resources in meeting University, School, and Program IT demands, led by Dr. Michael Mirabito; Network and Administrative Systems, responsible for supporting the technology infrastructure of the University, led by Tony Spinillo; and Application Services, responsible for the University s ERP business system and system integration, led by Terry O'Brien.
Reverend Brian Van Fossen becomes the new Chaplain and Campus Minister of Marywood University.
"Lead On" becomes Marywood University's tag line, the cornerstone of an expanded branding platform that was in the making for more than two years. New graphics, new website design, new print material style, and new interactive design are all part of a plan to propel the Universiyt's brand into the next decade.
Transition Program for Students With Autism - Beginning September 2008 Marywood University partners with NEIU 19 to offer a campus-based transition program for students with autism. The Marywood campus becomes the a learning environment for four college-aged students. The students spend half of their day in the classroom working on academics and the other half on campus intercating with peers and attending a concert or athletic event.
Sister Anne Munley, IHM, President of Marywood University, announces the establishment of the Marywood School of Architecture, opening in the Fall 2009. The focus of the new School of Architecture is to instill knowledge and skills in "green building" practices. The goal is to produce a new generation of architects - environmental stewards - who will assume major responsibility for creating, building, and re-building sustainable structural environments. OCTOBER 20, 2008
Marywood University serves as the location for the Interparliamentary Conference on Human Rights and Religious Freedom. The conference hosted over 40 countries represented by up to 80 delegates including a representative from the Vatican. The conference is a forum for international parliamentarians and delegates to discuss legislative opportunities to address human rights, sovereignty, security, environmental protection, poverty, and extremism. November 23 - 25, 2008
Gregory K. Hunt, FAIA, is appointed Dean of the Marywood University School of Architecture.
Marywood holds its first College for a Day program,February 13 and April 9. Students attend classes, tour the campus, speak with Admissions and Financial Aid counselors, and listen to a panel of current students discuss college life. In addition, overnight visits are available for prospective undergraduate students on February 19, April 1, and April 25. The students are able to attend classes, eat in the University cafeteria, and stay in a dorm room with a current student.
The Communication Arts and Music Departments stage three productions of Wonderful Town, February 22-24.