Study Abroad Experiences
“Marywood worked with me every step of the way to make sure I was able to go abroad and showed great concern for me while I was in China.” Read Michael's blog
Michael M. (CAPA Beijing, China Fall, 2014)“The locals were extremely warm and welcoming, telling me all their favorite spots that tourists don't know about.”
Sara G. (James Cook Univ. Australia 2012)What advice do you have on the program selection process for prospective students who are trying to find a good program match?
“Don't participate in a program just because your friends are going. Try to find the proper fit for you.”
Megan L. (SACI Florence, Italy Fall, 2014)I learned from my study abroad experience that I can survive anywhere. I learned that I am much more social than I thought. It was the most worthwhile experience of my life. Read Michael's blog
Michael M. (CAPA Beijing, China Fall, 2014)“I learned how to deal with struggles on my own. It taught me how to adjust to a completely foreign environment with new people, things, and ideas. I learned how to learn from them and they learned from me. It opened up my eyes a lot, to say the least.”
Sara G. (James Cook Univ. Australia 2012)