Explore Science at Marywood University

Alumni Spotlight

Photo of Rebecca Ryals

Rebecca Ryals

“I am interested in finding creative ways to solve environmental problems. I really love teaching, and I want to teach good science that is going to influence environmental policy.”

sciencelogoDesign Your Education by choosing the electives you are interested in, pursuing the course of action you desire and explore the different majors offered to truly find your destination.

Expand Your College Experience by joining a science club, becoming a lab assistant, participating in work study, participating in campus activities, tutoring fellow students, completing an internship, performing research, volunteering, and much more.

Discover Career Opportunities by studying focus-based topics in areas of interest, attending guest speaker talks, completing an internship, examining all majors offered and much more.

Be Part of a Unique Environment. The science department has various laboratory facilities: micro labs, physics labs, anatomy labs, chemistry labs, a greenhouse and Faculty Research labs; there is a ton of new equipment that is on the cutting edge of science; and new research opportunities are growing by leaps and bounds! 

Science is growing, why not be a part of it!

What can I expect in my first semester?