Science Student Resources


Health Professions Advisory Committee (HPAC)

Prospective Students

Student Opportunities

Undergraduate Research within the Science Department:  BIOL 454/ENVS 454/CHEM 454 Undergraduate Research is an elective open to science majors whose major QPA and overall QPA is at least 3.0.  Adherence to the following guidelines is mandatory:

  • The student must choose a research topic and a mentor/faculty who directs all aspects of the investigation by the end of junior year.  In addition, the student must meet with the Science Department Chairperson to receive approval (complete a Registration form and have it signed by the mentor/faculty and Science Department Chairperson) for the proposed project.
  • The research project must be a library/laboratory-based investigation, which involves data collection.
  • Students must get approval (signed Registration form) from the mentor/faculty and the Science Department Chairperson before registering for BIOL 454/ENVS 454/CHEM 454 Undergraduate Research for 2 credits in the semester in which the research will be completed.

Local STEM competitions available to students. Marywood is listed as one of the academic partners.

Financial Aid Opportunities for STEM degrees:

Deadlines for scholarships are fast approaching. Here is a guide highlighting financial aid opportunities for STEM degrees. Affordable Colleges Online (Ryan Kelly) has compiled a list of scholarships for students in all STEM fields, tips to cut the cost of their degree, and how to maximize their chances of landing a scholarship. You can read the full guide here:

Financial Aid for STEM Education:

Ryan Kelly
Affordable Colleges Online

About us: Affordable Colleges Online provides community resources and tools related to higher education with an eye on affordability and accreditation. You can write to us at P.O. Box 77022, San Francisco, CA 94107 or visit our privacy policy. If you do not wish to receive affordable college education resources, please visit us here: This message is intended for audiences in the United States only; if this email has reached anyone outside of the United States, please let us know and we will remove you from our sending list.


Student Resources

Need help with Science Classes?

Drop in Tutoring Center - Learning Commons (LC) room # 264

  • Hours are posted throughout the Science Building on bulletin boards

Faculty Letter of Recommendation - Request Form

Request Faculty Letter of Recommendation Form