Description of Fees

Advance Deposit

The advance deposit is payable at the time a person accepts admission to the University as a matriculating student. The deposit is forfeited by an applicant who makes a reservation to study at the University and does not attend within two years. In addition, advance deposits for graduate programs will be forfeited if attendance is not made within one year.


The undergraduate advance deposit is to be held on account to be refunded after graduation or withdrawal from the University, if all financial obligations have been met. If a fall semester resident fails to notify the Housing and Residence Life Office of the intent not to return for the spring semester by December 1, the deposit is forfeited. If a current resident reserves a room for the fall semester and fails to notify the Housing and Residence Life Office by June 30 of the intent not to return for the fall semester, the deposit is also forfeited. Students must apply and be approved to be released from their Housing Agreement at the Housing and Residence Life Office.


The advance deposit for all graduate programs is automatically applied against the first semester's charges.

International Students

International students (who require an I-20 form to study in the United States) are required to send to Marywood an advance deposit when accepted for study at the University. One half of the deposit may be used toward the expenses of the student's first semester at the University, and one half is held on account toward his/her final semester expenses at the University. If a student's application for a visa is rejected by the U.S. Embassy, he/she may apply for a refund of his/her advance deposit (less a $100 service charge) by sending to the Marywood Cashier's Office a letter certified by the U.S. Embassy regarding this matter and accompanied by the I-20 form. Marywood University should receive this information four weeks prior to the start of classes. The deposit is forfeited if the applicant does not attend within one year.

International students are required to observe the same payment terms established for all students.  International students should make appropriate arrangements for the transfer of funds from their home country so that payment of tuition and fees may be made by the specified due dates.  Failure to do this can result in cancellation of the student's registration.  In many cases, it can take as long as 12 weeks for funds to be transferred to the U.S. from other countries.

Student Activity Fee


Undergraduate students registered for four (4) credits, but less than 12 credits per semester, pay a Student Activities Fee per semester for the fall and spring semesters. Undergraduate students registered for 12 or more credits per semester pay a Student Activities Fee per semester for the fall and spring semesters.

This fee is directly allocated to the Undergraduate Student Government Association, which, in turn, provides all students the following: weekly and weekend programming; funds for the student newspaper; allocations to various student clubs and organizations, including the commuter and resident committees; and the production of a major concert.

The Student Activities Fee is charged to cover the costs of these activities that are over and above the costs of student activities funded by the General Fee.


Graduate students registered for one or more credits pay a student activities fee per semester. This fee covers the cost of guest speakers and special programs enhancing graduate student education.

General Fee

Undergraduate students registered for four (4) credits, but less than 12 credits per semester, and Graduate students registered for four (4) credits, but less than 6 credits per semester, pay a General Fee for fall and spring semesters.  

Undergraduate students registered for 12 or more credits per semester, and Graduate students registered for 6 or more credits per semester, pay a General Fee for fall and spring semesters.

The General Fee represents a number of benefits, such as use of the Student Center, Career Services, Student Health Services, Counseling/Student Development Services, national and university testing programs, use of the Library and Instructional Technology Services, Academic Computing Center, student activities, student organization membership, registration fees for the fall and spring semesters, recreational facilities, and various course fees (except labs, music lessons and aviation training).

Full-time students who pay the General Fee per year become members of the Student Recreation Association. Part-time students who pay the General Fee per year are entitled to receive a Student Recreation Association membership at the reduced student rate.

New Student Matriculation (Orientation) Fee

The New Student Matriculation Fee will be included on the fall invoice of new, incoming students, regardless of whether or not the student attends the New Student Orientation. This non-refundable fee covers all Orientation activities and meals for students only. This fee also covers the Fall Orientation activities required for all new students.

Room and Board/Meal Plan Charges

Residence in a particular residence hall is subject to availability. A security deposit/advance deposit is required of all resident students. Further information about the deposit requirements are available from the Office of Housing and Residence Life by e-mailing [email protected].
View Meal Plans

Room Occupancy Amount
Room (per year) Occupancy Amount
Woodland Residence I - $8,640.00
Woodland Residence II - $9,204.00
Regina Hall Multiple $7,824.00
Regina Hall Single $9,484.00
Loughran Hall Multiple $8,138.00
Loughran Hall Single $9,966.00
Madonna Hall Multiple $8,138.00
Madonna Hall Single $9,966.00

Pacer Points may be purchased at the Cashier's Office or online by logging on to the MarywoodYou portal.

  1. On the right side of the page, click on the link called "Manage your Pacer Points".
  2. Enter your user ID and password
  3. Click on 'Add Funds' and complete the fields to make your purchase.

Pacer Points may also be used in the Marywood Bookstore using your Marywood ID card. The minimum purchase is $10. Purchases of $20 or more will receive a 10% premium ie: $20 purchase = $22 in spendable Pacer Points.

All cash transactions require that the Pennsylvania 6% sales tax be applied at all campus dining establishments.

Annual Room Reservation Deposit

An Annual Room Reservation Deposit is required each spring for students planning to live on campus the following fall. The deposit may be applied to the fall room and board charges. Once a Housing & Dining Agreement has been signed, the student is committed to the terms of the housing agreement for the entire academic year. See Housing & Dining Agreement for more information regarding applications for release. Eligibility is determined by the criteria in the housing agreement.

Music Lessons and Special Fees

Private lessons are given for academic credit. The fee per semester for half-hour lessons or  per semester for one-hour lessons, in addition to the cost of tuition. For music majors, these fees may range per semester, in addition to the tuition charge for each academic credit.

Specific areas of concentration and certain courses requiring special materials, equipment, or services may carry course fees which is in addition to tuition. Examples include but are not limited to: Clinical Nursing, Science labs and Aviation. View tuition and fees.

Summer school and special workshop fees are listed in separate bulletins.

The University reserves the right to adjust fees when necessary.