Medical Laboratory Science Program


The course of study in Medical Laboratory Science follows a dual track program:

1. Students may spend three years at Marywood University fulfilling the university requirements and those of the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Science (NAACLS).

In this program, the students spend the fourth year at an accredited school of MLS, gaining theoretical and practical experience in the field of MLS.

During this internship, students earn a minimum of 30 and a maximum of 33 credits (depending on course offerings at the accrediting school).

2. Students who complete a baccalaureate program in biology and who have the appropriate prerequisites may also apply to any accredited schools of medical technology.

Marywood University maintains affiliations with:

  • Robert Packer/Guthrie Hospital, Sayre, PA
  • New York Methodist Hospital, Brooklyn, NY
  • UPMC Susquehanna, Williamsport, PA
  • PA College of Health Sciences, Lancaster, PA

Affiliation with these schools does not guarantee the student's acceptance into a professional practicum program.

Application Guidelines for Robert Packer Hospital.

The minimum requirements, as determined by most clinical programs are:

  1. 16 semester hours of chemistry, biology (includes microbiology and immunology)
  2. 3 credits of college-level mathematics
  3. Biochemistry is highly recommended
  4. A minimum of 90 semester hours of credit is required for entrance into the school of MLS
  5. Minimum QPA of 2.50

On completion of the Robert Packer Hospital (RPH) program, students are eligible to sit for a national certification examination given by the American Society for Clinical Pathologists, Board of Certification (ASCP, BOC). If successful in passing this exam, then the student is certified in all 50 states and U.S. territories and even some middle eastern nations. This certification can also be applied to states that require state licensure, such as NY, RI, TN, FL, CA, NV and some others.

Other MLS programs in Pennsylvania:

(1) Ann Felter Admissions Counselor

Lancaster General College of Nursing and Health Sciences
410 N. Lime St.
Lancaster, PA 17602
Phone: (717)544-7627
Fax: (717)544-5970

(2) Carolyn S. Darr, M.A., MT (ASCP)

Program Director
Clinical Laboratory Science Program
York Hospital
1001 S. George St
York, PA 17405
Phone: (717)851-2473
Fax: (717)851-2934
email: [email protected]

(3) Joseph R. Noel, CLS (NCA), MT (ASCP)

Program Director
Altoona Regional Health System
School of Clinical Laboratory Science
620 Howard Avenue
Altoona, PA 16601-4899
Phone: (814)889-2835
Fax: (814)889-6001

(4) Edwin Beitz, MHA, MT (HHS), MLS (ASCP)

Clinical Laboratory Science Program Director, Laboratory Manager
Williamsport Hospital
777 Rural Ave
Williamsport, PA 17701
Phone: (570)321-2367
email: [email protected]