Student Life: Conduct Procedures

Contact Information

Ross Novak

Dean of Students
[email protected]

File a Complaint or Incident Report

Anyone in the Marywood community may file an Incident Report. We all have a responsibility to ensure our community is a safe environment that supports our core values and ability to successfully pursue an education.

You can also file an anonymous report online, which will be investigated by Campus Safety.

The legal system

Marywood's conduct process is completely separate from the civil and criminal systems. The civil/criminal system is based on punishment, while the Marywood conduct process is based on education and has different processes and standards of evidence.

It is possible for a student to go through both the civil/criminal process as well as the Marywood conduct process. In the same respect, it is possible for a student to be found "responsible" through the Marywood conduct process and simultaneously "not guilty" by government authorities.